Filipović, VladimirFilipović, JelenaNićetin, MilicaLončar, BiljanaKnežević, Violeta2023-07-202023-07-202021-09-21978-86-83177-59-2 presented results it can be concluded that osmotic dehydration process, as pretreatment to lyophilization, increased total dehydration efficiency, reducing duration and energy consumption in high energy demanding lyophilization process. Due to molasses, as an osmotic solution application, antioxidative activity, chemical and mineral matter content of combinely dehydrated peach was increased. Cookies with 10% addition of dehydrated peach were nutritively enriched, with significant increase chemical, mineral and polyphenol content and antioxidative activity. Some technological quality parameters were enchanced by using combinely dehydrated peach in comparison to lyophilized peach. The optimal addition of osmodehydrated and lyophilized peach to the cookie formulation was determined to be in the quantity of 15%. Results of consumers’ test showed high appriciation of cookies with dehydrated peach sensory characteristics by large group (576) of randomly seleced consumers. Consumers showed high positive attitude towards presented new product and indicated on its’ high potential for market acceptability.Osmodehydrated and lyophilizated peach is characterized by upgraded dehydration effectiveness and enriched chemical and mineral matter content, and as such, is an interesting material to be added to the cookies’ formulation. Produced cookie samples with different levels of peach dehydrated by two different methods, were subjected to the nutritive and technology quality parameters testing. Obtained results showed that the addition of higher levels of dehydrated peach enhanced all nutritive, while simultaneously decreased most of the technological quality parameters. The optimal addition of osmodehydrated and lyophilized peach to the cookie formulation was determined to be 15%. Testing consumers’ attitude showed high appriciation of cookies with dehydrated peach sensory characteristics and high positive attitude towards presented new product thus pointing at its’ high potential for market acceptability.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessosmotic dehydrationlyophilizationsugar beet molassespeachcookiesNEW TYPE OF COOKIE PRODUCT WITH DEHYDRATED PEACHinfo:eu-repo/semantics/article